Canada British Columbia Vancouver Personal Description "An individual or Free Spirit always has to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is sometimes a hard business. If you try it, you’ll be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. "
So my Free Spirit attitude & maybe my ugly appearance scare people into thinking I'm weird or strange. But hey it's safe to stay at my place cus not an ax murder, creep, pervert or whatever (was cured ha ha) but someone who likes to enjoy life & have a good time! I'm a chill guy who's not huge or overweight as try to keep in shape & don't judge people on their appearance! Have my own apt in Mt Pleasant area of Vancouver so try to enjoy it and host new ppl visiting the city. Got rid of any drama, problems & hang-ups as I’ve changed things in my life so I can be relaxed and chilled. So have a lot of time on my hand as I work from home a bit on my computer, get part time work & volunteer. I do a lot of traveling as been to all continents except Antarctica (but plan to go too). Also lived & worked in 6 countries, volunteered in Africa plus traveled extensively in South America, S.E. Asia, Australıa, Europe a few times, etc. So like to meet cool like minded people to hang out for the time I'm in Vancouver! But I find that if u live here that people in Vancouver are NOt easy to become friends for some reason! Actually most are Flakey and pretentious which is something I find difficult to deal with.
I've volunteered 6 days at the Shambhala Music Festival, Red Cross Disaster Recovery, 4 months in Kenya, coached mentally challenged ppl skiing, Youth Shelter, not gay but volunteered as a witness for a gay wedding between 2 chicks in Stanley Park on BC Day, etc. Also volunteered at the Dewali Festival to better appreciate the Indian culture. I feel that volunteering and helping people is rewarding and makes me feel that I’m making a difference in someone’s life! It's also a cool way to make friends cos these ppl are friendly & themselves!
I like to bike around the city, run, hike, all kinds of music, dancing, finding cool places to eat, music festivals! My biggest passion/interest is traveling and meeting new people! Recently came back from 6 months traveling thru West Africa to Timbucktoo, Middle East, Eastern Europe and part of West Europe (which is actually not my style or area I care for as not foreign enough or been there too many times I guess)! But found out u don't have to go to foreign place to enjoy joys of travel. Hell just did a month Road Trip a cross Canada by Ride Share & Couch Surfing to find the experience & adventure as great as any I've done. Cus there are awesome ppl and places in Canada like all countries as u just have to be open minded and friendly! In late 2008 & 2009 traveled from Mexico, thru Central and South America. In the fall & part of winter of 2007 volunteering in Kenya. Let's see also had work visas for NZ, Aussie, Oman & Saudi Arabia. Heck in my crazy existence was lucky in Saudi Arabia & Seattle WA to work for airlines which was cool! So on a moments notice could take flts cus don't make many plans but just go wit da flow. But didn't make as many trips as some ppl as do more traveling when not employed cus work limits my life style as dislike schedules! Fave place is Africa but also really like Asia & India as can disappear to cool crazy places without many restrictions! Also found my ancestoral home of Japan to be just awesome & proud it's my heritage. But realize that I'm too many generations removed from their culture so could never fit in completely in Japan! Cus most ppl there are too polite to say what's on their minds as don't like to piss off ppl like yours truly! But for me it's kind of hard to be a conformist & fit in their society but still loved the country, ppl & food! Hell thought for a hoot wow how cool would it be to live there for a while & maybe shake things up a bit. but dam would need to learn Japanese!
I've lost contact & interest with most of my previous friends. But since I moved into a sweet studio apt well felt it was a good time to do some new & old things too! I'd like to learn to snow board better cos skied a lot before but hardly been in town for winter lately, swim better (some may say just learn) & maybe try a triathalon one day as have done 1/2 marathons. It would be cool to try rock climbing as have met ppl who do so watched and think it would be fun to do! But I never take things too seriously hence I probably don't become as good at most things I guess! But that's not to say that I've never been known to be passionate about some things!
OK I'm passionate about traveling and meeting people who are interesting & fun, not to talk about traveling, but to find out about people from other places.
I've met so many nice and cool people couch surfing that I find it's the best way to meet people when traveling. I don't usually have a lot of fixed plans when traveling or in my life! It's kind of sad to say goodbye to the people you meet couch surfing. So I try to keep in touch using Facebook as I only use it to keep in touch with people meet traveling.
Was lucky & made a little bit of profit investing in a couple properties which just carries me with some part time work. So when my marriage went south well I liquidated everything & went south too or to warmer climates too! It's like a previous life to me now as don't want to return to my career in IT. It's not for me anymore but was a good way to earn money, work abroad & do some traveling. But now just want to enjoy life as never lived to work.
Guess I gave up the real world to travel so now this is my real world! I may not be a productive citizen of the world but I've done my share of studying, worked in IT & now I just enjoy life! I always enjoyed life as one doesn't have to travel to enjoy life! But most days I wake up in the morning & thank God that I'm around to enjoy another day! My ex wife says I'm Living the Dream! But heck most ppl could too but they get bogged down with accummulating material possessions or living for the future! Hell I think live now cus there may not be a future so look after it later! Cus when I'm on my death bed I want to be able to think "Lived life to the Max at full speed"! So consider myself a Free Spirit but along the way I may have pissed off & lost some friends. But what the hell "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." OK so maybe in my life I’ve done some crazy, wild stupid things & survived! Hell I've said and done things to hurt ppl, sometimes bashed ppl who don’t think the same as me, did & said hurtful things without thinking & basically been a Jerk, Asshole to lose friends for being very outspoken! So think this song kind of sums up a Free Spirit Idiot like me How I Participate in CS Hell can't travel all the time so nice to meet people traveling thru Vancouver & show them the city.I try and host as many couch surfers as I can but unfortunately have a very small apt so can't host many or for long as it can start to be a bit claustrophobic.
I found this description of the perfect couch to surf so hope they don't mind me borrowing it. Cus hell sometimes I've had to resort to this couch cus been too late to request a couch or some people may think who wants to host a person like this!!!!
"The couch where I some times had to crash is great, it has no walls & no ceiling around it and everybody here finds room on it. I can't offer it to you, because you're already living on it, but please feel invited to walk, jump, sleep, dance and somersault with me over its natural covers and blankets." CouchSurfing Experience I've hosted in Vancouver, also stayed at and hung out with couch surfers in Eastern Europe & elsewhere. My problem is I don't plan too much so find it hard to line up a Couch Surfing gig cus can't give much notice. So heck am just as happy to just meet cool CS in areas & just hang with them as had some awesome experiences & times! So I've enjoyed CS as great to meet new travelers & found them very fun and nice to hang out! Just had a guy and chick from Germany stay with me and enjoyed showing them around Vancouver. I've stayed with a host in the hostel they operated. Also in a apt with my host & 4 of her roommates. But my most memorable experience was getting hosted by my German friend A at her parent's home in Berchtesgaden a beautiful village in the Bavarian Alps! check this videio as it's a beautiful Christmas video in a snowy setting as beautiful as Berchtesgaden. It was so cool to be hosted by the parents of a friend met traveling as they were so hospitable and kind to a complete weird idiot like me! That experience really made me appreciate what CS is all about cus the parents (not CS'ers) in a small village in the Alps were kind enough to allow me to stay at their home cus I am a friend of their daughter! Shit not too many parents would allow a complete stranger to stay at their place! I find if a person is open & flexible then everything works out OK! Interests My interests are meeting new ppl, doing things outdoors like biking, hiking, climbing, walking, running, exploring, meeting new cool ppl in an area. Like to listen to music of all kinds & dance but not at clubs but bars, concerts or festivals. Also like to hang out with 420 friendly ppl but not a requirement as long as they can understand! Philosophy Here are my basic life's beliefs? -A friend will bail u out of Jail. A true friend will be in jail with u saying "Dude did we fuck up this time". -It's the friends that u can call up at 4 am that matter most. A friend is someone who's there 4 u when they'd rather be anywhere else. -Strangers are friends waiting to happen. Everyone's a friend unless they prove otherwise -Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. It has no survival value but like them it's one of those things that give value to survival. -Live right now. We fight, cry, scream & yell but after all that like who gives a shit. so just let it happen & live ur life - be happy & have no regrets -Be who you are & say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter & those who matter don't mind! -Before you insult someone, try walking a mile in their shoes 2 see how they'd feel. then when you insult them you'll be a mile away & have their shoes. -I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not. -Eternity is a very long time, especially towards the end. -Don't knock masturbation — it's sex with someone I love -Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night. -Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television. -Confidence is what you have before you understand the problem. -You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred. -Sex is only dirty if it's done right. -I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members. -The problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time. -It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man. -If at first you don't succeed, blame it on your parents. -Rehab is for quitters -When you come to a fork in the road, take it! -Can relate to people who spend 98% of their money on booze and chicks, and the other 2% that they waste foolishly. -If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people? "To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world." "You laugh at me because I'm different, but I laugh at you because you're all the same." "Live every day to its fullest so that when you die, you can stand in front of God or whatever you believe in and be satisfied that you fullfilled your purpose." -Live with no excuses and love with no regrets -If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me... -It's only after someone is gone do you realize how much you miss them... -There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will. -Sometimes you need to run away just to see who will come after you -Never explain yourself. Your friends don’t need it and your enemies won’t believe it. -Sitting next to you doing absolutely nothing, means absolutely everything to me -Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why its called the present. -A man wants to be a woman's first love, a woman wants to be his last. -Everyone in life is gonna hurt you, you just have to figure out which people are worth the pain. We spend too much time living in the ‘what if’ and need to learn to live in the ‘what is.’
Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day.
It is not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts.
Don't wait for some magic gift. Share what you are, dare to be vulnerable, and you will find people who count you among their deepest friends
There is the risk you cannot afford to take and there is the risk you cannot afford not to take.
Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.
Life's a journey not a destination! Been in a married relationship and tho we aren't anymore! Well my x wife is my best friend but have difficulty living together so we gave each other our freedom as life is too short for petty quarrels & problems! So now am free to do whatever, whenever & however I want to do for as long as I want. So my choice is check out other areas and ppl as may ultimately move to some cheap, chilled place to hang out and maybe volunteer to help underprivileged ppl one day, inshallah!!! Music, Movies, Books Love all movies but mostly action movies and old black & white movies from the 40's & 50's ie Bogie, Katherine Hepburn, Cagney, John Wayne, James Dean, etc.
Love my mp3 as like to listen to reggae, African reggae, hip hop, rap, etc but always open to new music and music from foreign county. But if at a bar, club or festival will listen to reggaeton & techno but not on my mp3. My music variety cover some real moving music which I listen to if I ever have a bad day and they make me appreciate life and what I have. This song and video are probably what my life is about and when I listen to it well it gives me goose bumps as it's so true to how I feel
But hell my MP3 player has a wide range of music I love depending on my mood and the situation.
Love to listen to live music and dance
Right now my favorite author is Stephen Hunter an American author about this guy from Arkansas who was in Vietnam and his father was soldier in Pacific. Now they are cops. Like the stories but find it hard to get my shit together to read all the time.
Also like auto bios
But got a couple of books for Christmas 2010 "Into the Wild" as it personifies how I view Life and how I probably travel and exist! Not sure if I want to end up like the dude but the way I live life don't be surprised!!
Also got the "The official High Times 'Pot Smoker's Handbook'"' featuring 420 Things to do when you're stoned! So that should make for some interesting reading and keep me occupied for the next 5 years exploring the things to do!!!!
So guess will be occupied doing some reading & activities in the next year or more!!! Dam hope it doesn't impact my traveling!!!1 Types of People I enjoy People who travel, are liberal and not narrow minded but accept different types of people as friends. Peep who take a chance in life cus u only live once so why not experience al! things! Cus all good things worthwhile are either dangerous, immoral or fattening! Teach, Learn, Share Interesting cool people from foreign countries so can learn about their country, home and culture! The wilder and crazier the better! cus hell if I wanted to meet boring ppl hell I could hang out by myself ha ha!! One Amazing Thing I've Seen or Done Hitch hiked thru parts of Iraqi Kurdistan to meet some awesome friendly ppl! They kept asking why did u come to Iraq? My answer was "Cus I could"! When ppl ask how long I'm going to be some where while traveling my answer is "as long as it takes".
One strange & maybe disturbing sight I saw was while working in Saudi Arabia we went camping one weekend. We came to this village on the Sabbath and saw a person being beheaded in the public square. Made me appreciate the saying 'that person has their head on straight!"
Sky Dived (course not solo cus they wouldn't let an idiot like me out alone)over the North Shore ocean in Hawaii from 12000 ft. The biggest rush was jumping out of the plane & wondering what the fuck did I just do! It was amazing to free fall & hear all the wind noise, then pulling the cord which was like a sudden stop &then the complete silence while watching the beautiful blue ocean below, floating thru the odd cloud and the direct landing on the spot we were going for on the ground! The cool thing was the price of $99 which was a helluva lot cheaper than the cheesy Polynesian Festival or whatever!!
Paragliding off a mtn in Merida, Venezuela for 30 mins floating up and down the mtn side while watching other gliders float by!
Rode in the co pilot's seat of a bubble helicopter & experiencing the feeling of riding facing down to the ocean while flying out to a iron ore freighter to ride back as the harbor pilot guided the ship back. Did this in Port Hedland Western Australia while working for a Mining company!
Volcano boarded in Nicaguara and climbed up to a live volcano in Guatemala!
Got busted for smoking weed in Zanzibar in Tanzania, Africa! Asshole said he was a cop(probably just a scammer but is it worth the risk?) & wanted $150 or he'd throw me in jail so wasn't really worried! But then thought shit man don't want to be some big African's bitch (didn't want to find out if all those stories of the size were true!!)so talked the dude down to $7 & smoked my stuff in a different spot!!! Thank God it wasn't in the Excited States of America or would have got the death penalty & my next of kins for the next 5 generations would be banned from going there the conservative backward Fu*kin Assholes!!!!
Spent 3 days on a rickity old Indian bus (not my favorite transportation) going up some awesome mtn roads with 6 meter snow piled by the road to get to Leh in Leddah India! Awesome place with all the monasteries and skies filled with so many stars & no electricity!!!
Climbed Mt. Killamanjaro in Africa and survived the extreme altitude sickness on the last day as many ppl can't handle the sickness! But the most amazing thing was my mates being able to talk me into spending $1200 that the Tanzanian gov't wants for each hiker!! But hell it was for the experience!
While volunteering in Kenya for 5 months I checked out a safari in Masai Mara which was awesome! But what was even more awesome was camping in a tent near Lake Nakuru where dangerous Hippos live. Then doing a sole bike ride thru the Nakuru Game Reserve surrounded by giraffes, zebras, monkeys, wildebeest and other less dangerous animals. Had such a chill experience listening to some cool Music while biking thru this big Game Reserve. Then to top it off hiked thru a narrow canyon to swim & hang out by several waterfalls!
Also when was biking in Katmandu saw a leg hanging out of a big bonfire as they were cremating a body!
Picked a random deserted island to camp in a tent for a week off the coast of Queensland, Aussie. It was idyllic, beautiful beaches, jungle, deserted/inhabited (so we thought) and we had a great time just hanging out. But by the 3rd or 4th day our friggin water supply (were such idiots to store it in plastic containers) started to turn rancid but we kept drinkin it until felt so sick that felt we were dying! So we stumbled thru the jungle looking for fresh water! Then after a hr we stumbled upon this bar/camp so proceeded to down a few beers! But our stomachs were so sketchy which caused us to have the worst barfing & diarrhea!!!
One of the most amazing things I did traveling was a Brazilian guy and I bummed/hitch hiked rides by boat from village to village down the Pacific Ocean side around Darian Gap. Most people either fly or take sail boats down the east coast or the Carrıibean side. It was an amazing trip that took us 12 days and to top it off I can't speak Spanısh.
Another amazıng trıp I took was goıng to vısıt Tımbucktoo ın eastern part of Malı ın the deserts of West Afrıca. Ive always wanted to go to that mystıcal place and I dıd - awesome but hot and dusty trıp by road!
Got to hear the 14rh Dalai Lima speak about World Peace while passing thru Toronto as coincidently as he was speaking there! He’s been Dalai Lama for like 60 yrs so is speaking of stepping down soon so feel privileged to be in his audience! He’s so well respected, humble, wise with just an awesome views on life! Don’t usually do motivational speaker stuff but hey this Dude has so much wisdom & experiences in Life that can’t help but want to listen to what he has to say! Not big into Religion or know much about Buddhism but what I do know is like their philosophy! So if I turn to any religion it may be Buddhism as believe in their views on Life! While in NYC a few years back & coincidently got to see the Pope pass by in his Pope mobile! But his presence didn’t impress me much but with all respects to Catholics I didn’t get to hear him speak! Opinion on the Project Practical & realistic make for a safe life, but I would take a passionate life over a safe one, any day! It's always worth it to follow the dreams in your heart. So when life is over, you won't ever wonder "what if". You will know, & will celebrate every dream that you lived. Made a friend traveling who is a successful doctor but would like to be a yoga instructor one day so this is to u - follow your passion & dreams! I find that some Couch Surfers send out like so many requests for a place to stay. But then they don't reply back to say got a place or to say plans have changed or whatever. This is very frustrating for a person hosting cus don't know what is happening. Locations Traveled TRAVELED: Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cote D'Ivoire, Croatia, Cyprus, Ecuador, Egypt, England, Fiji, France, Georgia, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macedonia-FYROM, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Oman, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Syria, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United States, Vatican, Venezuela, Vietnam, Western Sahara LIVED: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United States WANTS TO GO: Afghanistan, Antarctica, North Korea, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Russia IS GOING TO: China, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Philippines, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan see map What do these numbers mean? This summary is not a replacement for reading references; it's a quick summary to help you get started. At a glance, you can see how many references a member has, and how many of them are positive, neutral, and negative. In the second line, you'll see how many references came from people who hosted this member, surfed with them, and traveled with them. These numbers won't always add up to the total: some references are not categorized, and some may be categorized as more than one thing. When viewing this summary, don't jump to conclusions! Things that are negative for one person may be positive for another, and vice versa. It's important to read references carefully and evaluate what that information means to you. References (15) - 15Positive
- 0Neutral
- 0Negative
- 2From Hosts
- 3From Surfers
- 3Traveling
· From SUNDANCECID Victoria, Canada Jan 17 · Positive · Sundance Kid ... You figured it out! Love that movie, too. Thanks for the song 'society', what an awesome present. I think, we can all find ourselves to certain parts in it! And you know what, I just LOVE Eddie Vedder, great voice, great spirit! Hope to see you soon again, Tom! Come by, if you are coming back to the island and let's have the beer :)
About Tom: Listen to 'Society' and you will know something about him. Interesting guy, lots to talk about, has been and will be anywhere and everywhere he pleases. Absolutely easy going, minimalist in many respects (slept voluntarily on the floor, although he really wouldn't have needed), loves people and good chats. Surely the opposite of average or boring LOL Meet him and you will see!
The world needs unique people like you, Tom! · · For SUNDANCECID Victoria, Canada Nov 26, 2010 · Positive · Hey Jess & Bui have to say 2 things
First had an awesome time couch surfing on your beautiful farm with u 2 along with your 2 beautiful dogs Tia & can’t remember the older one’s name as u hardly mentioned her name cus of that wild & crazy Tia!!! Loved it all!
Second I finally figured out why ur your CS nickname SundanceCid interested me! Love it as it reminds me of one of my all time favorite movies “Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid”! Loved the movie and just thought heck I’d call u the Sundance or the Kid & Bui is Butch!If u have a chance check it out cus it’s a kind of classic (Western but love them & it’s funny) from probably the 70’s!
So u’re the Kid and Bui is Butch! Hey they’re both cool like u 2!! Love your new Monikor but it’s just too bad that I just remembered it now! Anyway we never made it to Tofino but did have a cool time/adventure in a bar in Nanaimo! Will tell u guys about it one day over a beer! Can’t say enough about the 2 of u – so won’t & will stop here!
From MissE Goodwin Vancouver, Canada Jan 6 Positive Tom is a trippy dude, definately not boring, with lots of quirks, the likes of which I have yet to discover ...I would like to hang with him more From Christina Myrick Vancouver, Canada Dec 19, 2010 Positive Hey, you shared cookies and drink with me so it all works out! :-)
Tom is a crazy and crazy cool guy! Besides being knowledgeable on a wide array of topics (including various facts about countries and the Japanese word for bean), Tom is a great guy to hang out with and easy to talk to about whatever. Tom also has a great enthusiasm for life that I truly appreciate and admire. :-)  For Christina Myrick Vancouver, Canada Dec 19, 2010 Positive Met Christina at a CS meeting, a party a few days later and then stumbled across her while at this bar the next night where there was some awesome music happening. So enjoyed talking when the music wasn't too loud! Cus Christina is a nice sweet chick who shared her rum with us at a party even tho she's a poor unemployed grad student. Peep like her may be down to their last drink but they'd still share. But felt so bad for her cus a bunch of guys were running down the U.S. gov't policies in front of her. When a person's been drinking & having a good time there's no need to upset them with that crap. She was born in the U.S. but their country's policies were not made by her so OK say it once but then put it to bed! But she had to put up with this crap so can't blame her for being upset! But she's an open minded fun person who looks at things positively but it was easier for her to just leave the situation then add fuel to any problem! She is too cool and nice to cause an argument! From Jayant Khare Toronto, Canada Oct 31, 2010 Positive Tom's couchsurfing name - 'Freespiritguy' is incredibly appropriate for him. He's awesome to talk to and has lead a pretty epic life so far! Plenty of great stories and a fantastic perspective on life.  For Jayant Khare Toronto, Canada Oct 29, 2010 Positive Hey got to say that Jay you were so awesome to host me with a day's notice. Sorry Dude that I normally fly by the seat of my pants with out any plans most of the time! Really enjoyed our good conversations about his career as a Financial Advisor & his passions of boarding, traveling & plan to try & follow his dream of getting more into photography professionally! Hell it's awesome to hear people who are willing to try & make their dream come true. Jay had no trouble with me asking about moving from Canada to live in India for his final yr of high school! So yeah found his life & heritage was so interesting as enjoy learning about other cultures! From Dave Swede Edmonton, Canada Oct 29, 2010 Positive What a pleasant chance encounter! We enjoyed a good chat that spread across a few different venues. Tom definately lives up to his CS moniker and does it with pizazz! Its great to share some varied experiences from such an interesting soul whose seen a lot, but from a different perspective than myself. I'll let you know when I get to BC!  From Tobias Holzleitner Bad Duerrheim, Germany Aug 14, 2010 Positive Tom is a very great person. He is very open, friendly and he has a lot to tell. His stories from all over the world are amazing. And he is a very good host. We slept in his bed and he slept on the floor! He showed us many places in Vancouver... We will never forget all the days in Vancouver.  From Zhujeta Cima Tirana, Albania Jul 30, 2010 Positive What a great fun. Tom is now a friend for me. We spend some great days together, I love him, because he is open, funny and friendly. I did my best to show him around, but often we just ended up drinking in bars around Tirana. Next time Tom I hope I'll have a appartment so you can stay one month and I can make you the best tour around :).
For Zhujeta Cima Tirana, Albania Jun 20, 2010 Positive Well what can I say about Zhujeta but say shit man u have to get an easier name to spell! Heck I had trouble saying her name but finally could but then left. Now I have to spell it and have trouble. But the one thing I don't have trouble with is aaying she is an awesome person! I stayed at the hostel she ran for her sister & brother in law so it was like being hosted! Like I don't care if I get hosted as long as I can spend time with a nice, easy going fiendly cool person! She make me feel really at home and at ease but hey I would have been that way even if she had been a jerk! But Zhujeta and her friends especially Ermela Teli are some of the coolest ladiback ppl u can meet. So if someone wants to know about Albanian well I can say "they are some of the nicest, friendliest & generous ppl u can meet" but shit I say that about everyone I meet ha ha! No in this case it\s true! Lv u Zhujeta !  From Miroslava Doynova Sofia, Bulgaria Jul 22, 2010 Positive It is amazing how much energy and desire to discover the real life Tom has. Not afraid to has his own rules and vision for his own being. For sure he was the most exotic person lended in this forgotten village by Vidin, we travelled to :)  For Miroslava Doynova Sofia, Bulgaria Jul 23, 2010 Positive When I first met Miro I thought she couldn't speak English as i couldn't speak Bulgarian. But when I spoke to her I found out that she was not only a cute, nice girl who loves the outdoors, hiking, climbing and biking. But she was also so nice to talk and hang out with to have a beer! I couldn't help but be impressed and gravitate to her beautiful personality! She is a person who I describe as a beautiful person which to me is someone who has beauty from the inside. Heck she is also has matching looks on the outside but what I like is she is warm, kind, sweet & made me feel welcome within the group of people when we went to the mtns! I hope that we can possibly meet again one day enshallah! Thx Miro won't forget u or Sofia & my awesome days there!  From Elena Stoilova Sofia, Bulgaria Jul 21, 2010 Positive Tom is very cool and interesting person we had a nice weekend trip up to Danube river and I can only tell you how in the train the guard asked me "Is your master from Tibet?" hahah you can imagine what kind of person is he. Hope to meet you again somewhere :)  For Elena Stoilova Sofia, Bulgaria Jun 11, 2010 Positive I must say the couch surfing experience I had being hosted by Elena was just awesome! Elena & here flat mates were so warm and hospitable that I can't even explain. All of her flat mates are open to couch surfing so I could also leave them a reference too but Elena was the one who contacted me. She also invited me to go out of Sofia to the mtns with her and her friends. So this was a great weekend where I met some cool people who have become my friends. I hope I can repay all of them in Canada one day! Thanks Elena  From Iris Vukovic Belgrade, Serbia Jun 23, 2010 Positive I met Tom during his stay in Belgrade on a very gloomy Satruday night. I wasn't in a very good mood but talking to Tom made me feel better. He is a person willing to share his knowledge and experiences as well as learn and doesn't feel embarrassed to ask. I have never met a person who respects and values all the small actions of people around him so much. A person anybody can easily be very open with, regardless of the fact that we knwe each other for only a short time. Have a nice and safe journey on, Tom, and see you somewhere sometime again!  For Iris Vukovic Belgrade, Serbia Jun 20, 2010 Positive I wish I could have hung with Iris some more cus we just met and chatted but maybe in some ways it's good she didn't meet me when I am just goofing off or she may have seen the wrong side of me and her reference may be different ha ha! From Nebojsa Miskovic Belgrade, Serbia Jun 21, 2010 Positive I felt that Tom is a genuinely curious and nice person, with a splash of amusing individuality on the top ;-) He brought with himself few interesting guests and the air of positivity. Thank you for that!  For Nebojsa Miskovic Belgrade, Serbia Jun 20, 2010 Positive Nebojsa is such a funny nice guy I met on Couch surfing. He apologized as he couldn't host me as he just got a new flat mate. However he invited me to his place on a Fri night for a party he was having for his new flat mate. So I rushed to get to Belgrade by Fri. I asked if I could bring 3 other couch surfers I met in Belgrade & he said no problem. He was so hospitable & friendly that u can't help buy like him! Heck he just met me but invited me to his wedding next year in Brazil.So not only is he generous but he is very optimistic cus she may say no, ha ha! But yeah he is a genuine kind person which defines couch surfers! From Reet Reismaa Belgrade, Serbia Jun 19, 2010 Positive First we changed messages, then we met in Belgrade. Amazig, fantastic, crazy person! We had good talks... found so many things/attutudes in common, but still a lot to learn from him... Very straightforward: if he doesn't like something, you will know... So it was great experience to meet him :)  For Reet Reismaa Belgrade, Serbia Jun 20, 2010 Positive Many great things about Reet but the main thing is her kindness & hospitality! She welcomes strangers into her life & home as friends! She was very kind enough to host & care for a Finnish couple & was genuinely concerned & interested in ensuring that the couch surfing girl was feeling better! I enjoyed talking & hanging with Reet as had a lot to talk about & learn from her. Although my life style may be a bit off the wall compared to hers! In fact I probably may be too much of a non conformist, free spirited crazy guy even if I probably don't try to be that way. But sometimes I can surprise/shock regular people like Reet as it's mainly cus of our backgrounds! She's from Estonia & in her life probably hasn't met people like me. So I'd like her to visit Vancouver where people go wit da flow & mostly don't really give a shit so many are like me! So if that makes me a bad person well I don't mean to be. But hey we met, learned from each other, enjoyed each other's company & are friends  From Dimitar Stamboliyski Sofia, Bulgaria Jun 16, 2010 Positive It was so great meeting Tom! Not only is he so different from what NAmerica has to offer, but the fact he does, what I only dream of (for now), instantly makes me have total respect for his visions on life and meanfully living it! Tom, Cheers! from ppl of Bulgaria!  For Dimitar Stamboliyski Sofia, Bulgaria Jul 21, 2010 Positive Dimitar was a cool fun guy and will always remember hanging out with him cus he and i got along so well. Hope we meet again enshallah!!!  From Yves Hinnekens Geraardsbergen, Belgium May 5, 2010 Positive Is there anybody who don't know Tom yet? You should know him! He's a great person, very openminded. I coulnd't believe someone lent his own bed to us,a couple unknown couchsurfers. If you want to feel that you are living, Tom is 'the man' of all people who feel 20yo again. Thanks Tom.  From Valdis and Eva Gutman Vancouver, Canada Dec 31, 2009 Positive Tom is the best of our hosts and his place is paradise for couchsurfers! Tom is so kind and friendly that now he is my best friend here in Vancouver! We hang out with him and always it is great time and a lot of fun! He is so funy and active person that I would like to be like he is! :) He was so kind that he gave us his bed and slept him self on floor!!! He is also great cook! :) I can say just the best things about him!
Thanks Tom for all! U are great! :)  For Valdis and Eva Gutman Vancouver, Canada Jan 3, 2010 Positive Valdis,his gf Eva and friend Arta are the nicest people you could meet. I've hung out with them and had them over for Christmas dinner. They get along with everyone and are interesting and fun people! They are going to be in Vancouver for a year. Unfortunately I'm going travelling for 6 to 8+ months in a few weeks so won't be able to hang out with them for much longer! I would highly recommend them as couch surfing guests or as friends to anyone of any age!  From Brooke O'Donnell Rockport, United States Oct 23, 2009 Positive Tom is crazy and fun! He seems to be living life to the fullest which I admire!  For Brooke O'Donnell Rockport, United States Oct 23, 2009 Positive got to know Brooke cuz we stayed at the same hostel in Mexico and actualy shared the same dorm so u get to trust ppl if u stay in the same room References FreeSpiritGuy left others For Max Pilon By FreeSpiritGuy Montreal, Canada Oct 29, 2010 Positive Well Max what can I say but thanks for hosting me on a day's notice! Sure glad u finally got a phone cus your poor roommate Nathan had to take all the CS calls for hosting and he isn't even on CS! But yeah it was an interesting experience couch surfing at your place as u are so hospitable and accommodating to CS! Got so comfy with good conversation that I forgot to contact a couple of people I meant to contact in Montreal, crazy on my part to forget!! Thanks Dude U & Nathan were awesome to host me!  For Boris Medo By FreeSpiritGuy Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sep 21, 2010 Positive Met when a bunch of CS met randomly for coffee. Then a few of us hung out for a while. Found Boris to be an interesting cool person. Really like meeting like minded ppl so would be great to run into him again as he is in Montreal. if my Rideshare doesn't bail on me well may make it there in the next couple weeks, insh allah!!!!  For Ermela Teli By FreeSpiritGuy Tirana, Albania Jun 20, 2010 Positive Well have to say that I met Ermela at the same time I met Zhujeta. I didn't meet her for long but became really great friends with her cus she is so much fun and warm that u can't help but like her! i hope that our paths will cross again as awesome ppl like her are fun to be around! Ermela u are the best! well maybe not the best buy better than nothing ha ha! For Olga Sladkarova By FreeSpiritGuy Sofia, Bulgaria Jun 13, 2010 Positive I msg'd Olga in Sofia Bulgaria to check if she was free to host me or just meet for a coffee or whatever. She was so hospitable that although she had another guest coming to stay she was still willing to host me. She also is a single mother with 3 kids and a full time job. So I admire her and think that is awesome. Unfortunately I had been accepted by someone else in Sofia too plus joining them and friends to the mtns for weekend. Yes I know I could have accepted either but my other host had taken the Fri off the day I was arriving so it worked out great too.
Olga and I were to meet up on the Monday after the weekend I was there. But unfortunately I got our signals mixed up and we never met! So I must say that was my 1 regret about my visit to Sofia. Olga and I never got to meet in person. But judging from her msgs, attitude and outlook on life and couch surfing I have to say she is one great woman. Thanks Olga.  For Thomas Valmorin By FreeSpiritGuy Vancouver, Canada Jan 19, 2010 Positive Met Thomas and travelled with him for approx 3 weeks. We became very good friends as we thing similarly so I would vouch for him to anyone. He's a cool, laidback, positive guy who is lot of fun to do anything. He can be trusted & is dependable in any situation. We really enjoyed each other's company and I hope we can spend more time together! We keep in touch on Facebook or emails since parting company! Couchsurfing one of the best concepts of the last decade.
The general trust level is just amazing, and because of that openness and the honesty in the things people put on their profile surfing has ALWAYS been an awesome experience. I haven't had a single negative encounter. In fact, I've met some amazing people who I would love to meet again someday. I hope that "it's a small world".
Randomness is also a key element in my CS experience. I often post messages on the CS groups of cities that I visit asking for travel partners. This way I'm creating a win/win: cheaper travels AND meeting new people. This is my Couch Surfing Profile page FreeSpiritGuy Current Mission: "Spread & Enjoy principles of CS! Hell “People WANT love but start by GIVING love first” in Life, to Family & Friends u know/meet in awesome journey of Life! WTF know with my life style may not be IN Love again but not the End & Bin Dar Dun Dat once" |
| | General Information Couch available | Yes | CouchSurf requests replied to | 100% | last login | 6 secs ago Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada ... | member since | December 16th, 2008 | profile views | 896 | age | 93 | birthday | 1 March Only you can see this. | gender | Male | membername | FreeSpiritGuy | occupation | got fed up with IT career so now do any work. Also when Couch Surfers come can show them the 420 side of life in Vansterdam!!! | education | made it out of 2nd grade & to college & IT but IT ppl/geeks not my type & best education are Life Experiences! | grew up in | Edmonton, Alberta, Canada | ethnicity | 3rd generation Japanese Canadian so if u like sushi then cool |  | My Website |
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Groups I Belong To view group posts Couch Information
Couch Available: Yes Preferred Gender: Any Max Surfers Per Night: 1
Shared Sleeping Surface: Depends Shared Room: Yes have a nice modern studio apt which I'm willing to share with a stranger as have shared coed dorm rooms in hostels with no problem as most travellers are open minded and accommodating. If I host a couple I can let them sleep on my queen size wall bed and I'll use my air mattress on the floor just changed the max ppl will host at 1 time from 2 ppl cus feel my place is too small but may change that again cus love hosting ppl!
I live alone in a studio or bachelor apt in Mt Pleasant area close to the downtown area of Vancouver. Have a double/queen size wall/murphy bed that folds up in a studio apt. So I'd be willing to sleep on the floor if 2 ppl want to sleep together in the bed! But plz understand that it's a nice studio apt but only one room. Have a washer & dryer in the apt. A person can bus in 15 mins, walk maybe 30 mins to downtown which is vibrant at day or night. Also close to beaches and water, mountain is in the north end of city, etc. Winters are rainy but not particularly cold, summers are warm and dry. live alone bed is queen size wall/murphy bed no pets or smoke pls stay up late work at home on computer anytime of week have blankets & sleeping bag only if couch surfer doesn't have any up to 3 days
Very 420 friendly but don`t do it in front of guests if guests don`t like it
One thing I want to emphasize here is that I'm a Night Owl but have been known to be flexible and go to bed earlier to accommodate Couch Surfers. But would appreciate if they could be flexible and let me keep the window open a bit at night cus dislike sleeping in a warm room. So that's all I ask of people I host. Friends (11) Valdis and Eva Gutman 23, Several people Vancouver, British Columbia Canada Friends since October 2009 "He hosted me and my girlfriend Eva 4 days! :)" Friendship Type: Best Friend 4 | Zhujeta Cima 26, Female Tirana, Tirana Albania Friends since June 2010 "Yes we met while he was visiting Tirana" Friendship Type: CouchSurfing Friend | Miroslava Doynova 29, Female Sofia, Sofia Bulgaria Friends since June 2010 "travelled together" Friendship Type: CouchSurfing Friend 2 | Thomas Valmorin 30, Male Vancouver, British Columbia Canada Friends since February 2009 "while travelling" Friendship Type: Close Friend 20 | RezA Esmaeili 22, Male Yerevan, Yerevan Armenia Friends since May 2010 "Friends" Friendship Type: Friend | Brooke O'Donnell 23, Female Rockport, Massachusetts United States Friends since November 2008 "met him while traveling in Mexico" Friendship Type: Friend | Christina Myrick 25, Female Vancouver, British Columbia Canada Friends since December 2010 "Met and hung out at some CS events! " Friendship Type: Friend | Dimitar Stamboliyski 32, Male Sofia, Sofia Bulgaria Friends since June 2010 "Had a great travelling/party weekend+ together" Friendship Type: Friend 3 | Boris Medo 33, Male Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory Malaysia Friends since September 2010 "CS meeting in Vancouver" Friendship Type: CouchSurfing Friend | Iris Vukovic 34, Female Belgrade, Central Serbia Serbia Friends since June 2010 "met for a drink in Belgrade" Friendship Type: Friend | 1 more friends | |
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